Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 6

Week 6 was a fun yet interesting week due to the fact we were learning about advertising. Although we did learn about group mechanics, I had much more interest with the advertising. We learned about the variety parts of advertising that relate to psychology. One of the most important things I feel advertising does is relates to lifestyles. It sometimes even makes people want to change their lifestyle to fit in with a certain brand. One thing this that this was really noticeable in was cigarette adds. Even though I’m not a smoker myself I find it interesting how these ads are directed at different types of people. For a while these ads were making millions until they were banned from television in the us permanently because they were getting younger people’s attention.

We all split into groups and all found a commercial to explain to the class, which I thought was a great way to interpret the commercials and how they relate to psychology. The initial commercial I thought of was the old spice commercials, but I overheard that one of the other groups was going to do it. It actually ended up two groups doing that brand and 2 separate commercials. Our group ended up doing an Xbox 360 Commercial which I thought actually did not represent the brand very well even though it was a captivating commercial. I felt that it did not brand the image of Xbox in one’s head yet just be an overall fun and interesting commercial.

I learned some and reinforced a lot of what I know about what’s behind advertising and I feel it was an overall interesting week. I look forward to see what the group project has in store for me.

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