Monday, August 2, 2010

week 3

Week 3 was an interesting week because I had my class split up due to previous engagements. What was even more interesting was that I had 2 different teachers during these 2 days.

Week 3 was primarily about stress and what cause it along with how to prevent it and how to cope with it. I find stress can really cause a toll on me when it gets bad. I end up taking it out on other people and I definitely don’t operate at 100%. I find myself getting stressed sometimes with school, especially when I have a big project coming up or quiz. I usually do things at the last second which is my weakness and this usually leads to long and stressful nights. I think an easy way to fix this would be to work on projects a little bit every day or every other day. That would definitely help to relieve stress.

In class the teacher discusses stress relieving techniques, one of them being deep breathing which I find myself rarely doing but the other was music which I do use. I used to never listen to music but soon after high school I found myself listening to it a lot more; maybe because life after high school was more stressful? A lot of times I listen to music while I work on school work, which I think helps me work more efficiently and prevent a stressful situation. I also find that exercising regularly helps reduce overall stress.

The teacher mentioned 2 things that caught my attention; one is someone always being negative and the other is having a hard time saying no to people. These two things are easily 2 heavy stressors.

I think if I could overcome these two things that I would have a much overall better time in life. I think the negative part comes from my father, mainly biological in my opinion but who knows. As for never saying no, I think that comes from my adoptive family teaching me manners and being nice. I seem to never want to have confrontation. But sometimes it is a good thing to say no.

The second part of week 3 was interesting and I think the sub teacher was a very good lecturer and kept my attention very well. Week 3.5 was about how we perceive reality and how perception is always the end result of a complex process of selection and interpretation. I thought it was interesting how we have filters that reduce the sensory stimuli so that we don’t have to interpret everything that happens around us; Sort of like in one ear out the other.

Overall an interesting lecture and look forward to next week’s where we learn more about the brain.

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