Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 8

Week 8 was a very relatable week for me. Between depression to drug use and addiction along with gambling; I have plenty of family members with some of these conditions to be able to know how they work. With depression, both my mother’s adoptive and birth suffer from severe depression. I am more aware of my adopted mother’s depression than my birth mothers though because I have much more contact with her. She had been on numerous medications but it seems like her depression might actually be getting worse. I don’t think she has thought of suicide but I have never asked her. I don’t think she has attempted it though. I hope thought that someday it might go away because she can get very emotional very easily.

As with drugs and gambling both of my birth parents had many problems with these. My mother was involved very much in drugs during the time I was conceived and my father definitely had a gambling problem along with schizophrenia.

Although I do drink; and sometimes a lot, I feel I do not have a drinking problem. I go sometimes a moth or 2 without drinking, and I never feel the need for a drink when I stop drinking. It sometimes worries me though because my dad did drink a lot, and sometimes these things are genetic. Also with the discussion in class about how if you drink way too much and finally your body can’t take anymore, somewhat scares me, because I do not ever want permanent damage to my body.

Overall week 8 was quite interesting and the it seems like I have a decent amount of content for my final tapestry.